Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
You have the Power of change living in you.
Embracing Joy:
Your Path to a Happier Life
One thing that we speak of often is joy, and that’s what the subject is going to be today. Joy. For you’re here to enjoy yourself and to not take things quite so seriously as you maybe do. When you start to focus on joy, when you realize that that is your main purpose, it’s easier to find joy in your life. When you realize that finding joy in what you do to make a living. Finding joy in the people that you are with. Finding joy in taking a walk, just looking at the sunshine. Finding joy in conversations.
When you are focusing on, looking for and finding the joy that is yours by right, you will find that your life starts to go along a lot smoother than it used to. We also speak a lot of unconditional love and self-love. And when you are joyful, when you feel happy, it is so much easier to feel good about yourself. To pat yourself on the back. To look in the mirror and smile. So your self-love, your self-worth grows through the joy that you find.
And it is much easier to accept the idea of unconditional love when you are happy. Joy, it is such a big part of why you came here. If you aren’t finding much joy in your life at this time, we would like to help you. Focus on it a little. Start small. Start with a happy word, a happy thought. Start with a song that fills you with joy. Play the same song over and over again if you must, if it helps you to feel joyous. Focus on the people who are happier. Focus on the people who have joy in their life, and you will catch their joy. For joy can be very contagious.
And what a wonderful thing it is to feel this joy. Lighten the load off of your shoulders. Don’t worry so much. Don’t feel as though the weight of the world is on you, and you have these big responsibilities that no one else can do. This is far from the truth. There are many that may take the responsibilities you are dreading, and want them. And find joy in them. For that would be their path. If you are doing things and you are not feeling the joy of them, you are on the wrong path. It’s quite simple.
Now, some say, “I have responsibility. I have to support my family. I have to take care of my ailing relative. I have to do many things”. And while these may be things in your life that are necessary for you to do. We would ask you then to look for the bits of joy within them. For joy is in everything when you look for it. When you reach for it. When you want it. Think of the joy you are giving to this person you are helping. If they are ailing, if they are home bound, if they are not feeling well. Think of the joy that you give them by walking in the door, and being company to them for a while. Are they alone often, where they look forward to a kind word, a kind gesture, a smile? Do you give them the kind word, the kind gesture, the smile? Some get so low in their minds that it’s hard for them to even appreciate kindness. And sometimes when people are caring for people, it may feel this way. It may feel as though the appreciation isn’t there. It may feel as though the joy isn’t there. But it is when you look for it. When you seek it, you will find it.
Joy is crucial to health. To love. To the obvious thing of. When you have joy, you have lifted burdens off of your shoulders. You have lifted the weights that cause illness, the weights that cause stress to the body. Joy is a self-healing thing. And when you find it, when you feel it, you know you feel so much better. You know you can feel the weights lifting. You know all of this.
If you really are not finding joy in what you are doing, maybe it is time to look for something else. Keep doing what you are. Look for the joy in it. Appreciate what you have, knowing that something better will come to you, when you are available and open to it. When you allow it. And you allow things through joy and happiness and love. When you have that aura about you, when you walk into the room and the mood lifts, you have done something magical.
If you walk into the room and the mood doesn’t lift, if the mood drops a bit, you can see why you are stuck where you are. Be a mood lifter. Be a joyous person. It may feel like work to you, if you are not used to looking for joy. But what wonderful, beautiful work it is. What an amazing job you would have, if your job was to seek joy every day, all the time. You came to this world to offer love. To offer compassion. To help another, and to be joy-filled. To bring yourself back to this point in your mind will be amazing for you. To bring yourself back, to the point of knowing that you came here looking for joy, will help you to find it.
From a child giggling, to a funny joke, to the conversations that you bring joy into. The conversations that you guide to a higher vibration, this is what you are here for. There is joy in the little things in life. There is more joy around you than you can even imagine. And you must allow it to have it.
So look for joy every day, in everything you do. And joy will appear. And how much better, how much easier life flows when you are happy. If there are things in your life you must change, just seek joy and the change will be right. Joy is one of our superpowers. For when you have joy, you don’t worry about what another has. You don’t worry about what another says or does. You are filled with joy and you are an example. And when you are an example, you are a superhuman. Setting the example of joy, is an amazing gift that you can share. Joy is contagious. So feel the joy. Be the joy. Share your joy with all and watch, feel, notice, as the joy they have is shared with you. And notice how everything blooms better in your life when you are smiling.
I just listened to your first podcast and I’ll continue looking for joy.
Thank you Kathy💕
Thanks for listening Peg! I appreciate it.