Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
The Power of Change, Lives in You
Your Feelings, Create Your Life
We have been saying that joy is the foundation of your life. When you have joy, you have a different outlook on everything that comes to you. That shows up in your day-to-day life. You have a different thought process on what you see, hear, think, and even believe. Joy can be powerful in changing your beliefs on something. For joy can bring the positive side of your belief out. And this is life-changing for you, when you discover that something you thought was bringing you misery, actually could bring you joy if you’re refocused. If you looked at it in a different way. Now, not everything, of course, will be this way. Some things you just need to release. And that’s fine. But joy is the foundation of your day-to-day life. Is the good foundation of your day-to-day life.
But let us turn this a little bit, and let us look at it from another angle. Let us speak about those who do not have joy, those who are living in a more… negative, let’s just say, mind frame. A mind frame that doesn’t see joy. And a mind frame that doesn’t see possibility. Now, this too is turning into the foundation of their life. It’s what they’re standing in, standing on, and believing firmly. So they will continue to create in this manner.
When you think about it, the emotions that you have become your life. You become happy. You become sad. You feel rich. You feel poor. You feel loved. You do not feel loved. Think of all of the different things and what feelings have done for you. And what feelings do to your day-to-day living. Feelings are a very large part of how you create your life, and feelings become the foundation. We have spoken of joy, for this is the direction we know will suit you best, will work for a better outcome for you. Know, though, that if you are not feeling joy, if you are feeling sadness, hopelessness, whatever you may be feeling that is not of a higher vibration. Your vibration is going to stay with those feelings. And because your vibration is stuck in these feelings, your life soon becomes stuck right along with them.
How do you change? How do you move past what you don’t want? How do you find joy? How do you create the life you are wanting, through the feeling of joy, through the feeling of happiness, through the feelings of optimism? How do you do this? You do it, as we have said many times, you do it one thought at a time. One word at a time. And change the belief. Even for a moment, switch your belief out into something that feels better. You may not feel bliss right away. For you are working your way out of something, whatever it may be, that has made you feel down. Made you feel sad, or maybe even hopeless.
You are the only one who can lift yourself from these feelings. Others may come and give you kind words. Words of love. Words of optimism. You must be in the receptive mode. The allowing mode, for these words to help you. You must lift yourself. The offering of these other words may help you a bit, though you are the only one who can actually do the heavy lifting, of throwing away the negative and focusing on the positive. You are the only one that knows what brings you joy, deep within your soul. And you are the only one that can accept the words, the offerings that will help move you into the direction of this joy that you are wanting. And it is there, make no mistake. It is there. Joy is always surrounding you always waiting to fill you. Always there.
You just need to recognize it. Simple little things are the easiest ways to take the steps towards joy that you are wanting. Just take a moment to breathe and to feel a little bit of good about yourself. There’s nothing more important than taking a moment, to reset your thought into something more joyful. Take a walk. Breathe. Feel the ease of doing nothing. And then, as you are doing nothing, feel the ease of allowing. For when you are relaxed and doing nothing, and doing your best to allow thoughts to come and go. It is easier to notice and hold on to the joy-filled thoughts that are always there. The sun is shining. The flowers are beautiful. Someone complimented you. Someone gave you a hug. Someone said, I love you. You can hear and see all of this through the eyes of joy. Many of these things may have been offered to you already, and you just did not notice. Because you were not in that allowing, in that receptive space.
Taking a moment to allow yourself to become an allower, of better-feeling thoughts, will move you into a direction that will be pleasing more and more and more. Listen to some beautiful music. Listen to whatever you like. Turn on a comedy. Turn on a show. Turn on a TV show that makes you feel lighthearted. That brings out a smile or a chuckle or laughter. Do what you must, to release whatever it is that was not joyful in your life.
Focus on your feelings being a foundation to your life. Focus on knowing that the way you are feeling will bring more things to you, that will cause this feeling to grow. So why not take a peek at joy? Why not look for it, and know that it will grow more and more. And joy will become more and more easy for you to have in your life. And when you have this joy in your life, it will become so much easier for you, to share the joy with others. And when you share the joy with others, you are also multiplying your own joy. And this will keep growing and growing. It will snowball into something big and beautiful and joy-filled.
Understand that the way you are feeling will become your foundation. The foundation of your life if you stay there. And find a way to reach for that little piece of joy, in whatever manner you can. Focus on it ,and grow the joy within your heart, knowing that you are worthy of being happy. You are worthy of joy. You are worthy of love. You are worthy. You are loved unconditionally by your Creator. And when you feel joy, your Creator also feels your joy.
Joy is contagious. Find your joy one little piece at a time. Share your joy in huge and generous portions. Once you find joy and live it you will always have more joy than you can imagine. And you will have way more to share with everyone. Become joy. Allow your foundation to be that of joy, and live a life you will love.
Thank you, Kathy! Outstanding! Love your podcast on JOY!!! 🥰
Thank you Pam! I’m glad you enjoyed it.