Your beliefs of your self worth, are the foundation of your life.
Now this may seem obvious, yet beliefs run deep, and many people do not necessarily believe that everything and everyone in their lives, was drawn to them through their beliefs.
To understand what your beliefs are,
you must understand where they come from in their original form.
Beliefs are the thoughts, the words, the pictures in your mind, given attention…given emotion. There are beliefs which keep you safe. And there are beliefs that hold you back. There are beliefs handed down through generations, some out of necessity, some out of superstition.
![Self Worth](
So it is important to take a look at what you believe and decide for yourself. Does this belief serve me? Does it help me with my best interests? Or is it fear based. Do I believe it because I was told that if I sway from this belief, something terrible will happen to me, or to my soul. Or will this belief bring me Peace, Love, Joy.
There are some beliefs created by man, designed to control another through fear or doubt. Sometimes these beliefs are filled with the thought that this person, who is convincing you of what to believe, is more than you. They know more than you. That they have within them the answers you are wanting. Equaling the belief that they are more, and you are not enough.
Any beliefs created which instills fear. Any beliefs created to cause another to feel like less than who/what they are. Any beliefs that question your worthiness. Any belief containing lack, is a limiting belief. These beliefs should be examined for what they are, then discarded. For none of these beliefs are true.
You are loved unconditionally.
You are worthy of your desires.
There is enough for everyone.
When you base your beliefs on the unconditional love of your Creator. When your beliefs come from this power point of Love, you can then understand your worthiness. When you feel worthy, the false beliefs caused through your own judgement of yourself, the false beliefs created through the judgement from others. The false beliefs that there is not enough, all fall to the wayside.
God is Love.
Love is All.
Beliefs based on the knowing that you are loved unconditionally will help you to move past the dogma holding you back. Love is all. Self love is a key to understanding self worth. Loving yourself is the key to believing in yourself. When you believe you are worthy, you will find your worthiness to be an amazing step in the growth of your soul. It will move you forward quickly on your journey. So many have been taught to ask the questions of what another may think of them, believing that the others opinion is more important than their own. When you can let these thoughts, these opinions from others go, you can then begin to more easily seek what brings joy into your life.
The unconditional love from your Creator is yours.
Thus, you must begin to love yourself. Loving yourself unconditionally, leaving judgement out of your thoughts, will bring you a life of joy. You are worthy. Another’s opinion is just that. Take it if it feels good. Leave it if it does not. It is that simple.
When you have self love. When you allow the trueness of who you really are, at the core of your being, to emerge, you will begin to love others more easily. You will begin to judge another less and less. When you believe in your worthiness, you will trust who you are easily. And that will be enough for you to be able to allow others to be. When you allow others to be, you will open more and more to the Love, the guidance living within. You will trust this guidance as it presents itself. Thus the answers you seek, that have always been with you, will begin to show. You will understand that everything you need lives within.
Believe in yourself.
Love yourself.
Believing that you have the answers living within, will help you to quiet your mind and listen. And over time, you will be able to allow the answers more easily. For you will have learned to trust yourself, your intuition. You will believe in yourself and your confidence will grow. You will begin to understand beyond the physical appearances of others. You will be able to understand and see others as souls, growing or doing their best to grow. You will begin the journey of helping, yet allowing another their beliefs, knowing that their journey is theirs. Knowing that you can help guide them to love of self, if they are willing to accept.
Offering kindness builds self love.
This is why offering kindness, love & support without judgement is so important. You do not want another to tell you what you must believe. And you do not want to push what you believe on another. You can guide, but you cannot push. They must do their own work. They must learn what beliefs are best for their growth.
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