The You Experiment Your Worth

The You Experiment-Your Worth

Your Worth is More Than You Know

The You Experiment

There is so much worth in who you are. You have value and are valued in the creation of life. When you understand this and can honestly say that you love yourself, you will be able to know and see your value.


We each play our part in the day to day art of creation. This is why self worth, self value is important. When you understand your worthiness you have moved to a higher vibration, and your higher vibration helps to raise the vibration of Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants. 


You think that you are just you...

You may feel as though you are a small part of the big picture. That your impact is minute. No one’s impact is minute. We are all connected, whether you see it, whether you feel it, or not. Love and peace start one person, one vibration at a time. And it all adds up. We would like you to understand this, and realize your true worth. 

Everything is vibration. You are vibration. When you vibrate love, you are vibrating at a higher frequency. And only you can get you to this frequency. You MUST start with yourself. When you are at a higher vibration, a higher frequency, people can feel it when you walk into a room. They will be naturally drawn to you, for this is the vibration they are wanting as well.

Your higher vibration starts with self love...

for you are what you think yourself to be. If you think of yourself as unworthy of love, unworthy of happiness, that is the vibration you are sending out to the universe. That is the vibration those around you can feel. To understand this, think of how you are affected by others vibrations in the same way. Some people draw you in. Some people you want to run away from. Which are you? Are people drawn to you, or do they try to avoid conversation with you? Do you speak in a high vibration or do you speak of the woes of life, of the world and so on.

Higher Vibration Higher Frequency

Loving yourself is offering higher vibrations to those around you.

Self love is the least selfish thing you can do for those around you. For, when you love yourself, you are in tune with the Unconditional Love living within you. A love that is waiting for you to take notice of it, and allow it to grow. When this love from within grows, your vibration grows. NOW you are setting an example for others. NOW you are offering a vibration that will help to lift others

The You Experiment Love yourself

Loving yourself is a giving thing. This is because of the higher vibration you will be sending out. As you walk into a room you will be raising the vibration. When you enter a conversation you can raise the vibration. Having a high vibration flowing from you, is uplifting to those around you. This is how change begins. And it all starts with self love. It all starts with you.

What is The You Experiment?

The You Experiment is nothing more than being kind to yourself. Accepting yourself as you are. And loving yourself as you are, knowing that you are now growing and changing at a vibration that draws to you joy, abundance and even more love.

You are being asked to try The You Experiment...

for just 30 days. We realize at first it may seem difficult. But you will find, that if you continue to look for the best in you. If you continue to encourage yourself,  and continue to be kind, loving and patient with yourself, the rewards you will reap will have been worth it. In 30 days you will have begun the habit of self love. What an amazing gift you will have given yourself. 

We are offering affirmations to help you to get started. “Feel” the affirmations offered, adjust the wording if necessary, until the affirmation is believable for you.

Helpful Affirmations

Affirmations Change Your Words Change Your Life
  • I am who I am, and I like me.
  • I am who I am , and I love me.
  • Good morning beautiful
  • I am perfectly happy with who I am
  • I am happy and I enjoy my life
  • I am grateful for who I am
  • I am grateful for my body
  • I am at peace with myself

Your affirmation should feel believable. It should help you to feel good about yourself. The best affirmations are the ones that can pop into your mind at a moments notice. At a moment when you would otherwise fall into the words of another, or your own old beliefs. Remember, you create your life with your thoughts, words, beliefs and emotions. The right affirmation can help you change the thought and feelings, for you now believe the words of the affirmation. Now you believe in the change that you are wanting.

We wish for you,
love in your life,
peace in your mind,
joy in your soul.

2 thoughts on “The You Experiment-Your Worth”

  1. This is so true & extremely powerful!!!
    Keep going, I love to hear from you. You lift my vibration by just reading your words!!! Thank you!!!

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